Proposition 14.21 in the book “Abstract Algebra” by Dummit and Foote


Page number:$592$. In the Chapter Galois Theory, I have a doubt in one step of the following proposition:

Proposition 21 Let $K_1$ and $K_2$ be Galois extensions of a field $F$.

(1)The intersection $K_1 \cap K_2$ is Galois over $F$.

(2)The composite $K_1K_2$ is Galois over $F$. The Galois group is isomorphic to the subgroup
$H=\{ (\sigma ,\tau )|~\sigma|_{K_1\cap K_2} =\tau|_{K_1\cap K_2} \}$ of the direct product $Gal(K_1|F)\times Gal(K_2|F)$ consisting of elements whose restrictions to the intersection $K_1\cap K_2$ are equal.

I have a doubt on the proof of (2) In one step there is a line

The order of $H$ can be computed by observing that for every $\sigma \in Gal(K_1|F)$ there are $|Gal(K_2|K_1\cap K_2)|$ elements $\tau \in Gal(K_2|F)$ whose restrictions to $K_1\cap K_2$ are $\sigma |_{K_1\cap K_2}$.

I don't know how to understand this step.
I also tried of proving this step by taking a $\sigma \in Gal(K_1|F)$ and a $\tau '\in Gal(K_2|K_1\cap K_2)$ and constructing a $\tau \in Gal(K_2|F)$. For which I tried to prove $\tau(a)$ =$\begin{cases} \sigma(a)&for~a\in K_1\cap K_2 \\\tau '(a) &for~a\in K_2 -(K_1\cap K_2) \end{cases} $ is in $Gal(K_2|F)$, but unable to prove so.

Is the way I am trying is right or there is any other simple proof of this step. Can anyone help be to understand this lines?

Best Answer

We have the isomorphism $$Gal(K_1\cap K_2 / F) \cong Gal(K_2/F)\ /\ Gal(K_2 / K_1\cap K_2).$$ Hence, if $\sigma\in Gal(K_1/F)$, the restriction $\sigma_{\mid K_1\cap K_2}$ corresponds to a conjugacy class in said quotient, which has size $|Gal(K_2/K_1\cap K_2)|$.

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