Property of holomorphic function from open unit disc to open unit disc


This question was asked in masters entrance exam for which I am preparing .

Question : Let $f\colon\mathbb{D} \to \mathbb{D} $ be an holomorphic function with $f(0)=0$, where $\mathbb{D} $ is open unit disc $\{z \in\mathbb{C} :|z| < 1 \}$ . Then which one of the following is true.

  1. $|f'(0)|=1$.
  2. $|f(1/2)|\leq1/2$.
  3. $|f(1/2)|\leq1/4$.
  4. $|f'(0)|\leq1/2$.

I am really confused and I have no idea on what should be done so I am unable to show an attempt.

Best Answer

This is just an application of the Schwarz lemma. No. 2 is true, as directly stated in the lemma. For the others, $f(z)=0$ or $f(z)=z$ are counterexamples.

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