Proof: when the dot product of a number of vectors and a specific vector is constant, those vectors are on the same line orthogonal to the vector.

inner-productslinear algebravectors

Assume that there are three dot products:

a.w = c

b.w = c

d.w = c

in which, a,b,d, and w are vectors and c is a number.

I read it in a book about neural networks(by Martin T. Hagan) that when the dot product of a group of vectors and weight vector(a specific vector,w) is constant, it means those vectors are on the same line and are orthogonal to the weight vector(w). I don't understand why? Also, if two vectors are orthogonal, isn't the dot product zero?(since the cosine of 90 is 0)


Best Answer

As in my comment, the points $p \in \mathbf{R}^n$ satisfying $p \cdot w = c$ for some fixed $w \in \mathbf{R}^n$ and $c \in \mathbf{R}$ form an $(n - 1)$-dimensional hyperplane. For example when $n = 2$, this is a line and when $n = 3$ it is a plane. It seems that OP is referring to the two dimensional case. If $w = (u, v)$ and $p = (x, y)$ then \begin{align} p \cdot w = ux + vy = c \end{align} is the familiar equation of a line. If $v \neq 0$, then it is the line $y = -(u/v)x + c/v$ having slope $-(u/v)$ and intercept $c/v$. If $v = 0$, then it is the vertical line $x = c/u$.

Addition: You're correct that the vectors $a \in \mathbf{R}^n$ and $w$ are orthogonal if and only if $a \cdot w = 0$. The thing is that if $a \cdot w = c$ and $b \cdot w = c$, then \begin{align*} (a - b) \cdot w = c - c = 0. \end{align*} Remember that $a - b$ is the displacement vector from $b$ to $a$ and so it points in the direction of the line. Then we have shown that the direction of the line is orthogonal to $w$.