Proof verification. $\{x_n\}$ is a sequence such that $|x_{n+1} – x_n| \le C\alpha^n$ for $\alpha\in (0, 1), n\in\Bbb N$. Prove $x_n$ converges.


Let $\{x_n\}, n\in \Bbb N$ denote a sequence such that:
|x_{n+1} – x_n| \le C\alpha^n \\
0 < \alpha < 1

Prove $\{x_n\}$ converges.

Given the fact $|x_{n+1} – x_n| \le C\alpha^n$ consider the following inequalities:
|x_{n+1} – x_n| \le C\alpha^n \\
|x_{n+2} – x_{n+1}| \le C\alpha^{n+1} \\
|x_{n+3} – x_{n+2}| \le C\alpha^{n+2} \\
\dots \\
|x_{n+p+1} – x_{n+p}| \le C\alpha^{n+p} \\

Consider the sum of the inequalities:
|x_{n+1} – x_{n}| + |x_{n+2} – x_{n+1}| + |x_{n+3} – x_{n+2}| + \cdots + |x_{n+p+1} – x_{n+p}| \\
\le \sum_{k=0}^p C\alpha^{n+k} = C \sum_{k=0}^p \alpha^{n+k} \tag1

By geometric sum:
C \sum_{k=0}^p \alpha^{n+k} = C \cdot \frac{\alpha^n(1-\alpha^{p + 1})}{1-\alpha} \le C \cdot \frac{\alpha^n}{1-\alpha}

Lets fix some $\epsilon > 0$, and $N\in \Bbb N$ such that:
C\cdot \frac{\alpha^{N}}{1-\alpha} < \epsilon

Rewrite $\alpha$ as:
\alpha = \frac{1}{1+r},\ r \in \Bbb R_{>0}

C\cdot \frac{1}{(1-\alpha)(1+r)^N} < \epsilon \\
(1+r)^N > {C\over (1-\alpha)\epsilon} \\
N > \log_{1+r} {C\over (1-\alpha)\epsilon}

Returning to $(1)$ we have by triangular inequality:
|x_{n}- x_{n+1} + x_{n+1} – x_{n+2} + \cdots + x_{n+p} – x_{n+p+1}| \\ \le |x_{n+1} – x_{n}| + |x_{n+2} – x_{n+1}| + \cdots + |x_{n+p+1} – x_{n+p}|

Since the values are telescoping we obtain:
|x_{n} – x_{n+p+1}| < C \cdot \frac{\alpha^n}{1-\alpha} < \epsilon

Now if we choose:
n > N > \log_{1+r} {C\over (1-\alpha)\epsilon}

we obtain a regular definition of the Cauchy criteria, which means $\{x_n\}$ is a convergent sequence.

Could you please verify the reasoning above? Thank you!

Best Answer

You have the right idea but it could be briefer: Let $A(n)=\sup_{m\in \Bbb N}|x_n-x_{n+m}|.$ The Cauchy Criterion for convergence of $(x_n)_{n\in \Bbb N}$ is $\lim_{n\to \infty}A(n)=0.$

Since $0<\alpha<1$ we have $\sup_{m\in \Bbb N}(1-\alpha^m)=1,$ so $$A(n)=\sup_{m\in \Bbb N}|x_n-x_{n+m}|\leq$$ $$\leq \sup_{m\in \Bbb N}C\alpha^n\cdot\frac {1-\alpha^m}{1-\alpha}=$$ $$=C\alpha^n\cdot \frac {1}{1-\alpha}.$$ This last expression goes to $0$ as $n\to \infty$ because $0<\alpha <1$.