Proof verification regarding Cyclic Groups and Groups containing Unique Subgroups


I am trying to prove the following theorem below, but with my own method. I have hit a stumbling block and am curious if there is a way around it.

Theorem: Let $G$ be a finite group. Then $G$ is cyclic if and only if for every positive divisor $d$ of $|G|$, there exists a unique subgroup $H$ of $G$ with $|H|=d$.

I can do the forwards direction. For the backwards, I first wrote
$$|G|=p_1^{e_1}\cdot \cdots \cdot p_m^{e_m}.$$
From here I was able to show that there exist elements $g_i\in G$ of order $p_i^{e_i}$ for every $i$ and that every element of order $p_i^{e_i}$ is contained in a single group. Since we don't know (yet) $G$ is abelian, I cannot argue with a previous result that $\prod_{i=1}^{m}g_i$ will have order $|G|$. Any suggestions where to go from here or should I scrap this?

Best Answer

For the backwards direction, let $s=|G|$, $p_1^{e_1}\cdot \cdots \cdot p_m^{e_m}$ be the prime factorization of $s$, and $H_d$ denote the subgroup of $G$ of size $d$. One of my previous results implies that for each $i$, $H_{p_i^{e_i}}$ is cyclic (normal in $G$). Furthermore, since these groups are normal with relatively prime sizes, it follows that $H_{p_i^{e_i}}\cap H_{p_j^{e_j}}$ is trivial if and only if $i\neq j$. Thus, for each $i$ and $j$, the elements of $H_{p_i^{e_i}}$ and $H_{p_j^{e_j}}$ commute. Now for each $i$, set $g_i\in H_{p_i^{e_i}}$ to be an element of order $p_i^{e_i}$. Since the elements $g_1,\dots,g_m$ commute with each other, it follows that $$\prod_{i=1}^{m}g_i$$ will have order $p_1^{e_1}\cdot \cdots \cdot p_m^{e_m}=s$.

Here I am using the fact that if $x$ and $y$ commute and if $\text{ord}(x)=s$ and $\text{ord}(y)=t$, then $\text{ord}(xy)=\text{lcm}(s,t)$.

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