Proof verification – Pigeonhole principle.


The question goes like this:

There are $16$ different integers $a_1…a_{16}\;$ such that foreach $i\; , $ $1\leq i \leq 16\;$ :$1\leq a_i \leq 30\;$.

Prove that there is a pair $a_i,a_j$ such that $a_i + a_j = 31$.

My proof:

There are $\binom{16}{2} = 120$ options to chose a pair, and only $(30+29)-(1+2) = 56$ possible sums.

$\left \lfloor \frac{120}{56} \right \rfloor = 2$

Due to the pigeonhole principle, we must have a pair $a_i,a_j$ such that $a_i + a_j = 31$ because each possible sum must contain a pair.

Is this a legit proof (logically speaking)?

Best Answer

You tagged it as pigeonhole principle, so making concrete pigeonholes might be a good idea. You are looking for pairs that sum to $31$, so those stand out as a natural choice. We then get the pigeonholes $$ \{1,30\}, \{2,29\}, \ldots, \{15,16\} $$ Now apply the principle, and you're done.

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