Proof verification for proof by contraposition

discrete mathematicsproof-writingsolution-verification

prove using contraposition that if a and b are integers:


So the contrapositive:

$a^2-4b-2=0$ implies that at least one of either a or b are not integers

Working from the above, I got:



If both a and b are integers, $2(2b+1)$ is a perfect square.

In other words:


Where k is an integer

I also realised that 2b+1 is an odd number so:


I ended my proof by saying that since 2b+1 is odd, it does not have a multiple of 2 so k will always have multiple or $\sqrt{2}$ which means that it cannot be an integer.

Best Answer

You're almost done. You can conclude your proof as follows:

$a^2=2(2b+1)$ immediately implies, you have $a=2k, \thinspace k\in\mathbb Z$. Therefore, we have

$$4k^2=2(2b+1)\iff 2k^2=2b+1$$

which gives a contradiction.