Proof Verification and Taylor Series

calculussolution-verificationtaylor expansion

Just to be sure. I want to apply Taylor's Theorem (expand in a Taylor Series $f$) to an infinitely differentiable function $f$ in order to prove something. So as to do so, it would be enough if I state the theorem like this:

Let $f: D \to \Bbb{R}$ be an infinitely differentiable function, such that $x_0 \in D \subseteq \Bbb{R}. \,\,\cdots$


Since $f$ is infinitely differentiable in $D$, we can apply Taylor's Theorem as follows

$f(x) = f(x_0) + (x-x_0)f'(x_0) + \cdots$

Best Answer

The proof is not correct. If a function if $C^{\infty}$ at $x_0$, that doesn't mean that its Taylor series converges fo $f$ in any neighborhood of $x_0$. For example, take

$$f(x)=\begin{cases}e^{-1/x^2}, & \text{if } \ x \neq 0; \\ 0,& \text{if } \ x=0\end{cases}.$$

It can be proven that $f^{k}(0)=0$ for every $k \in \Bbb{N}$. Therefore, the Taylor series of $f$ centered at $0$ converges in all real line, but of course, converges to the constan $0$, and not to $f$.

If the Taylor series of a $C^{\infty}$ function $f$ about $x_0$ converges to $f$ in some neighborhood fo $x_0$ the function $f$ is said to be analytic at $x_0$. Thus all analytic funtcions are $C^{\infty}$, but the converse is not true.

About the books: Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis is the standard reference. There is also Royden's Real Analysis and Tao's Analysis I. If you know a little bit of Portuguese (or even Spanish would do) I strongly recommend Elon Lages' Curso de AnĂ¡lise, vol. I.