Proof that $\sum_i \lvert \alpha_i\rvert \leq |x|$, where $|x|$ is the norm

inequalitylinear algebranormed-spacesproof-explanation

On another post a user asked for a proof that if a map is linear then it is continuous. "Every linear mapping on a finite dimensional space is continuous"

I have pasted an image of the answer which I am having trouble understanding. In the last line he replaces $\sum_i \lvert \alpha_i\rvert$ with $|x|$, so it must either be equal or less for the conclusion to follow.

Why is this sum of scalars equal or less than the norm?


enter image description here

Best Answer

Norms on finite-dimensional spaces are equivalent. You can check that $||x||_0 := \sum_i |\alpha_i|$ defines a norm on $X$ (in fixing that basis for $X$). Since the given norm $||\cdot||$ is another norm on $X$, a finite-dimensional space, it then follows that $||\cdot||_0$ and $||\cdot||$ are equivalent, i.e. there exists some constant $C>0$ such that $||\cdot||_0 \leq C ||\cdot||$. Adjusting your $\delta$ to be instead $\varepsilon / (CM)$ gets what you want

You can read something such as this post to learn more about this property of norm equivalence in finite-dimensional spaces

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