Proof that Separable Banach Spaces are Homeomorphic and Continuum Hypothesis


I was trying to prove the claim that separable infinite dimensional Banach spaces are all homeomorphic, but I fell into a trap that relies on the Continuum Hypothesis.

My reasoning was as follows:

Call the space $X$. By Baire $X$ has dimension $D > \aleph_0$.

The number of points we can get to via sequences of the countable dense subset is at most $\aleph_0^{\aleph_0}$ = $|\mathbb{R}|$.

There are $|\mathbb{R}|$ points in each dimension of $X$.

Each point is a countable sum of points on at most $\aleph_0$ dimensions.

So there are at most $|\mathbb{R}| D^{\aleph_0}$ points in $X$.

So $|\mathbb{R}| \geq |\mathbb{R}| D^{\aleph_0} = |\mathbb{R}| D$ points in $X$.

So we have $D \leq |\mathbb{R}|$.

But now I don't know if there's a way to fix this argument to show that $D = |\mathbb{R}|$ without assuming CH. I also would like to avoid using the high powered theorems typically needed for this proof.

Best Answer

See Cardinality of a Hamel basis of $\ell_1(\mathbb{R})$. The answer by t.b. cites a half-page paper that gives an elementary proof of the desired result:

H. Elton Lacey, The Hamel Dimension of any Infinite Dimensional Separable Banach Space is $c$, Amer. Math. Mon. 80 (1973), 298.

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