Proof that no set is equinumerous to its power set


I am studying from Enderton's book "Elements of set theory" and I am struggling with the proof that "No set is equinumerous to its power set".

Here is the proof:

Let $g: A\rightarrow \mathcal{P}A$; we will construct a subset $B$ of $A$ that is not in ran $g$. Specifically, let $B = \{x\in A\mid x\notin g(x)\}$. Then $B\subseteq A$, but for each $x\in A$, $x\in B$ iff $x\notin g(x)$. Hence $B\neq g(x)$.

I saw on the web another proof that is almost the same and seems a tiny bit clearer, but I am having the same trouble. The doubt is: what prevents us from thinking that $x\notin g(x)$ is actually a contradiction, just like $x\neq x$, and that therefore $B=\emptyset$? This proof seems to assume that there must be an $x$ such that $x\notin g(x)$, but I don't see where this is coming from.

I am a just starting undergrad student, I am sorry if this question may be a bit naive. Thanks.

Best Answer

Once we define $B = \{x \in A \mid x \notin g(x)\}$, the proof then proceeds as follows:

Suppose that $B$ is in the range of $g$. Then we can take some $x \in A$ such that $g(x) = B$, by the definition of range.

We will first show that $x \notin B$. Suppose for the sake of deriving a contradiction that $x \in B$. Then $x \notin g(x) = B$ by the definition of $B$. This contradicts the claim that $x \in B$. Therefore, we have proven that it cannot be true that $x \in B$; thus, $x \notin B$.

We now know that $x \notin B = g(x)$. Therefore, since $x \in A$ and $x \notin g(x)$, $x \in B$ by the definition of $B$. But this is a contradiction.

Therefore, our assumption that $B$ is in the range of $g$ must be incorrect.

Notice that this proof in no way depends on the claim that $B \neq \emptyset$. Nowhere do we make any assumption that $B$ is not empty.

In fact, there are some cases where $B$ is the empty set. Consider the function $g(x) = \{x\}$. In that case, $B = \{x \in A \mid x \notin g(x)\} = \{x \in A \mid x \notin \{x\}\} = \emptyset$.

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