Proof that $M$ and $M^{T}$ are similar

linear algebra

Triangular matrix $M \in \mathbb R^{n,n}$ and all elements on the diagonal are different. Proof that $M$ and $M^{T}$ are similar.

I know that the matrices are similar when the matrix similarity relation is the relation of equivalence so it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive relation.Unfortunately I don't know what to use this information in my task.

Can you get some tips?

Best Answer

Presume that they are similar, and in particular $M = P^{-1}M^{T}P$. What can you say about $P$?

Then write the equation as $PM = M^{T}P$. Given what we know about $P$, this should suggest what we need for $M$ and $M^{T}$ to be similar (i.e. it should tell us what type of matrix $P$ is sufficient to make the equation true).

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