Proof that $\alpha \mathbb{R}$, the two-point compactification and $\beta \mathbb{R}$ are the only three topological compactifications of $\mathbb{R}$


My question is: Is my proof of the proposition from Van Douwen´s paper called Characterization of $\beta \mathbb{Q}$ and $\beta \mathbb{R}$ correct?

Claim: $\alpha \mathbb{R}$, the two-point compactification of $\mathbb{R}$ and $\beta \mathbb{R}$ are the only three topological compactifications of $\mathbb{R}.$

($\beta \mathbb{R}$ = the Stone-Čech compactification, $\alpha \mathbb{R}$ = the one-point compactification).

By topological compactification he means such compactification that every automorphism of the original space extends to automorphism of the compactification.


This follows directly from the result about the halfline. (The set of all topological compactifications of $\mathbb{H}$ consists of just two elements: $\alpha \mathbb{H}$ and $\beta \mathbb{H}$.)

If we take just the interval $[0, \infty) \subset \mathbb{R}$ and make a closure, we obtain a topological compactification of $[0, \infty)$. This can be done analogically with the interval $(-\infty, 0]$. Both topological compactifications obtained this way have to be of the same "type" (either both are one-point compactifications, or both are Stone-Čech compactifications). That is because for any $x \in \mathbb{R}$, the map $f: x \rightarrow – x$ induces an autohomeomorphism of $\beta \mathbb{R}$. which implies that $\beta[0,\infty)$ is identical with $\beta(-\infty,0]$.

The paper is called "Characterizations of βQ and βR." Van Douwen only writes that the claim above is direct implication of the claim about halfline, but I tried to write it in detail.

Best Answer

For a compactification $\gamma X$ of a topological space $X$, let $\gamma_r X= \gamma X\setminus X$ denote the residual set of the compactification.

I leave a proof of the first lemma to you:

Lemma 1. If $\gamma X$ is a compactification of a 2nd countable space $X$, then each $\xi\in \gamma_r X$ is the limit of a sequence in $X$.

From now on, I will be working only with $X={\mathbb R}$. Set $X_-=(-\infty, 0]$ and $X_+=[0,\infty)$. Suppose that $\gamma X$ is a compactification of $X$. I let $\gamma_r X_\pm$ denote the intersections of closures of $X_\pm$ (in $\gamma X$) with $\gamma_r X$. Note that $\gamma_r X= \gamma_r(X_-) \cup \gamma_r(X_+)$.

Lemma 2. Suppose that $\nu X_+$ is a topological compactification of $X_+$.
The group of self-homeomorphisms of $X_+$ acts transitively on $\nu_r X_+$.

Proof. Every $\xi\in \nu_r X_+$ is the limit of a strictly increasing sequence in $X_+\setminus \{0\}$. Given $\xi, \xi'\in \nu_r X_+$, let $(x_n), (x_n')$ denote the corresponding sequences. There exists an increasing bijection $$ f: \{0\}\cup Y=\{x_n: n\in {\mathbb N}\}\to Y'=\{0\}\cup \{x'_n: n\in {\mathbb N}\}.$$ Now, extend this bijection linearly to each interval in $X_+\setminus Y$. The resulting map $F: X_+\to X_+$ is a homeomorphism. Since the compactification was assumed to be topological, the homeomorphism $F$ extends to a homeomorphism $F: \nu X_+\to \nu X_+$. By the construction, $F(\xi)=\xi'$. qed

The next lemma is the key to the proof:

Lemma 3. Suppose that $\nu X$ is a topological compactification of $X$ which is not a 1-point compactification. Then:

(i) Both $X_\pm \to X_\pm \cup \nu_r(X_\pm)$ are topological compactifications.

(ii) $\nu_r(X_-)$ is homeomorphic to $\nu_r(X_+)$.

(iii) $\nu_r(X_-), \nu_r(X_+)$ are disjoint in $\nu X$, i.e. $\nu_r X= \nu_r(X_-)\sqcup \nu_r(X_+)$.

Proof. (i) This follows from the assumption that $\nu X$ is a topological compactification of $X$ and the fact that every self-homeomorphism $f_\pm: X_\pm\to X_\pm$ extends to a self-homeomorphism of $X$ (say, by the identity of the complement).

(ii) This was already established in the attempted proof, by considering the homeomorphism $x\mapsto -x$ of $X$.

(iii) If $\nu X$ is the 2-point compactification, there is nothing to be proven. Hence, I will assume that it is not a 2-point compactification, implying that each $\nu_r(X_\pm)$ are not singletons (of course, both are actually infinite). Consider distinct points $\eta, \xi_+\in \nu_r(X_+)\subset \nu X$ and a point $\xi_-\in \nu_r(X_-)\subset \nu X$. By Lemma 2, there exists a homeomorphism $f: X_+\to X_+$ sending $\xi_+$ to $\eta$. Extend $f$ by the identity to $X_-$ and, thus, obtain a homeomorphism $f: X\to X$. Since $\nu X$ is assumed to be a topological compactification of $X$, $f$ extends to a self-homeomorphism $F$ of the compactification $\nu X$. By the construction, $F$ fixes $\xi_-$ and sends $\xi_+$ to $\eta\ne \xi_-$. This implies that $\xi_-\ne \xi_+$ in $\nu X$. qed

Now, back to the original question.

Proposition. Every topological compactification $\nu X$ of $X={\mathbb R}$ is naturally homeomorphic either to the 1-point compactification, or to the 2-point compactification, or to $\beta X$.

Proof. As noted before,$\nu_r(X_-)$ is homeomorphic to $\nu_r(X_+)$. Hence, both compactifications are either 1-points compactifications or Chech-Stone compactifications of $X_\pm$. In the former case, $\nu X$ is either the 1-point or the 2-point compactification of $X$. Thus, I will assume that both compactifications of $X_\pm$ are the Chech-Stone compactifications. Lemma 3(i) implies that both $\nu_r X_\pm$, $\beta_r X_\pm$ are naturally homeomorphic to the residual sets of the Chech-Stone compactifications of $X_\pm$. Let $h_\pm: \beta_r X_\pm \to \nu_r X_\pm$ be these homeomorphisms, extending the identity maps $X_\pm \to X_\pm$. Since $\beta_r X= \beta_r X_- \sqcup \beta_r X_+$ and $\nu_r X= \nu_r X_- \sqcup \nu_r X_+$, the maps $h_\pm$ combine to a bijective continuous map $h: \beta X\to \nu X$ extending the identity map $X\to X$. Reversing the roles of $\beta X, \nu X$, we conclude that $h$ is a homeomorphism. (Alternatively, use that both compactifications are Hausdorff.) \qed