Proof of why conics map to conics after a perspective transformation

conic sectionsgeometryprojective-geometry


Consider a world where the ground is the standard $x$$y$ plane with a Cartesian grid on it. The graph of a parabola $x^2 = 4ay$ is on this $x$$y$ plane. A person of with eye-level $h$ above the ground is walking along the ground and stops a bit before the origin of the $x$$y$ plane which is on the ground. He/she looks straight out in the direction of the positive $y$-axis and instead of a parabola sees an ellipse.

The following images and video animation illustrate this:

View of parabola straight down from above:

enter image description here

View of parabola with eyes at some height $h$ looking towards the horizon (positive $y$-axis):
enter image description here



My question is this:

Is there a way to prove that a general conic under the type of perspective projection I described here (where you go from looking straight down from above at the conic on the ground to looking straight out along the $y$-axis with your eyes at some height $h$ above the ground) maps to another conic (such as in this case from parabola to ellipse)?

More specifically, is there a way to convert the equation of a general conic in the first perspective (such as $x^2=4ay$) to an equation of the other conic in the second perspective given the parameters I described above (namely $h$ and that the person is looking out in the direction of the positive $y$-axis)?

Best Answer

Consider this diagram of viewing the $x$-$y$ plane from this perspective: enter image description here

The eye/retina of the viewer is a length of $d$ away from the plane perpendicular to the plane of the ground and passing through the $x$-axis. This plane is the plane in which the $x$-$y$ plane is being viewed. The point is also a height $h$ above the ground. The viewer/viewing plane has a coordinate system $x'$-$y'$.

The point $O' = (0,0)$ for the $x'$-$y'$ coordinates corresponds to the point $(0, \infty)$ in the $x$-$y$ coordinates. All other points for the viewer are below the viewer's $x'$ axis.

Using similar triangles we get that $\frac{x'}{d} = \frac{x}{y+d}$ and $\frac{y'}{d} = -\frac{h}{y+d}$ (the $-$ sign is because everything is below the $x'$ axis for the viewer).

Rearranging these equations we get $y'(y+d)=dh$ so $y = \frac{-d(y'+h)}{y'}$ and $x'y+dx'=dx$ so $x = \frac{x'y}{d}+x'$. Plugging the expression for $y$ into the expression for $x$ we get $x = x'(1-\frac{(y'+h)}{y'}) = \frac{-hx'}{y'}$.

Thus, the final transformations are $x = \frac{-hx'}{y'}$ and $y = \frac{-d(y'+h)}{y'}$.

The equation of a general conic is $Ax^2+By^2+Cxy+Dx+Ey+F = 0$.

Plugging these transformations in we get:

$h^2(A+dC)x'^2+d(Bd-E+1)y'^2+h(dC-D)x'y'+Ch^2dx'+hd(2Bd-E)y'+Bh^2d^2 = 0$

This is an equation of the form $A'x'^2+B'y'^2+C'x'y'+D'x'+E'y'+F' = 0$, which is also the equation of a conic. Thus, conics are mapped to conics under this transformation.

For example, the parabola $y = x^2$ is mapped to the ellipse $\frac{x'^2}{1/4}+\frac{(y'+\frac{1}{4})^2}{1/16} = 1$ for $d = 1$ and $h = \frac{1}{2}$ as shown in the image below.

The parabola $y=x^2$ under the transformation for $d = 1$ and $h = \frac{1}{2}$: enter image description here