Proof of upper bound for a sequence convergence: $U_{n+1} =\ \frac{2\left( n^{2} +n+1\right) +nU_{n}}{( n+1)^{2}}$


$$U_{n+1} =\ \frac{2\left( n^{2} +n+1\right) +nU_{n}}{( n+1)^{2}}, \quad \mbox{ for } n\geq 2,$$
and $n \in \Bbb N\setminus\{0\}$, $U_1<2$.

I have to prove that this sequence converges by finding an upper bound and proving that $U_n$ is increasing.

I am unable to prove that $U_n$ is increasing.

My attempt:

I tried with $U_{n+1} – U_n$, but I can't conclude the sign of this difference since $U_n$ can be both positive and negative.

Please, explain my mistake and provide the best approach to this question!

Best Answer

It is easy to see, by induction, that $U_n <2$ for all $n$.

Then we have $U_n<2= \frac{2(n^2+n+1)}{n^2+n+1}$, hence $2(n^2+n+1)> U_n(n^2+n+1)$, thus

$2(n^2+n+1)+nU_n > (n+1)^2U_n$. This gives $U_{n+1}>U_n$.

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