Proof of theorem egregium with moving frames


I'm learning the moving frame approach (with differential form) in surface theory from different books and papers (Cartan, O'Neill, Shifrin, Flanders and others).

Briefly: you define an adapted moving frame on the surface $(P, e_1, e_2, e_3)$, then you define the dual forms $\omega_i = dP\cdot e_i$ and the connection forms $\omega_{ij} = de_i \cdot e_j$. From Cartan's structure equations you find Gauss and Codazzi equations and other things. Next you prove the fundamental formula $d\omega_{12} = -Kd\sigma$ (where $K = detS$ is the gaussian curvature). Here in some texts follows two steps before arrive at theorem egregium:

1) You prove that if you consider another frame $(P, \bar e_1, \bar e_2, \bar e_3$) than $d\omega_{12} = d \bar \omega_{12}$

2) You prove that $\omega_{12}$ is the only 1-form which satisfy the two equations $d\omega_1 = -\omega_2 \wedge \omega_{12}$ and $d\omega_2 = \omega_1 \wedge \omega_{12}$ and so it is intrinsic

Are these steps necessary? I mean

1) It is not obvious that $d\omega_{12}$ does not depend on the frame since neither $K$ nor $d\sigma$ depend on the frame?

2) It is not obvious that $\omega_{12}$ is intrinsic since it's defined as $de_1\cdot e_2$?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

So, yes, we can use the extrinsic definition of $K$ (as the determinant of the shape operator), but then to infer the Theorema Egregium — i.e., that $K$ is intrinsic, i.e., dependent only on the induced metric and not on the particular embedding — we need to know that $d\omega_{12}$ is intrinsic. Note that the answer to your second question is no, as that dot product depends on the embedding of the surface in $\Bbb R^3$.

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