Proof of Theorem 1.4.1 in Ratcliffe book Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds


I’m reading Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds by John G. Ratcliffe (third edition). In his proof of Theorem 1.4.1, he demonstrates that any two points on a Euclidean geodesic through the origin are given by linearly dependent vectors $ \beta(s) $ and $ \beta(l) $ where $ s \in [0, l] $. He shows linear dependence after making the claim for a geodesic arc $\beta$ where $\beta(0)=0$ that $|\beta(s)|=s$.

My confusion comes from this last statement. If $|\beta(s)|=s$, then it appears he is assuming geodesics in Euclidean space are straight lines. (This comes from his definition of geodesic lines as distance preserving maps $\beta : [0, l] \rightarrow R$ so that the length of the geodesic curve between $0$ and $\beta(s)$ is $s$. Thus the statement $|\beta(s)|=s$ says the length of the curve, $s$, is the same as the length of the vector $\beta(s)$, so the geodesic curve is a straight line). One might argue this is a well known fact, but it appears that this is what he is actually trying to prove. That is to say, he concludes (mid way through the proof) that $ \beta(s) $ and $ \beta(l) $ are linearly dependent, and thus all points on a Euclidean geodesic lie on a straight line. But in order to prove this, he appears to be making that assumption in the first place when stating $ |\beta(s)|=s $.

Can anyone see where I’m getting this wrong?

Included below is the full stated theorem and proof as stated in the book:

enter image description here

The proof references theorem 1.3.1 (Cauchy’s Inequality)
enter image description here

Best Answer

The section of the proof you are reading is the proof of the implication (1)$\implies$(2), and the proof starts, naturally enough, by assuming that $\alpha : [a,b] \to \mathbb E^n$ is a geodesic. By definition of a geodesic, it follows that the distance from $\alpha(a)$ to $\alpha(a+s)$, namely the quantity $| \alpha(a) - \alpha(a+s) |$, is equal to $s$ (for all $s \in [0,l] = [0,b-a]$).

Now they define a new function $\beta(s) = \alpha(a+s)-x$. It follows that \begin{align*} |\beta(s)| &= |\beta(s)-0| \\ &= |\beta(s)-\beta(0)| \\ &= |(\alpha(a+s)-x) - (\alpha(a+0)-x)| \\&= |\alpha(a+s)-\alpha(a)| \\& = s \end{align*}

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