Proof of separable Hilbert space has an orthonormal countable basis


I read a proof about the separable Hilbert space has an orthonormal countable basis. The following is the proof.

assuming $\{x_n\}_1^\infty$ is the countable dense subset of $X$, then $\{x_n\}_1^\infty$ has a linearly independent subset $\{y_n\}_1^N, (N<\infty \text{ or } N=\infty)$ such that
span\{y_n\}_1^N=span\{x_n\}_1^\infty \tag{2}

Do the Gram-Schmidy process for $\{y_n\}_1^N$, then we have orthonormal countable set $\{e_n\}_1^N$. Since
\overline{span\{e_n\}_1^N}=\overline{span\{y_n\}_1^N}=\overline{span\{x_n\}_1^\infty}=X \tag{1}

Therefore, $\{e_n\}_1^N$ is orthonormal countable basis of $X$.

But in my view, $\{e_n\}_1^N$ is orthonormal countable basis of $span\{x_n\}_1^\infty$ by (2), why the (1) means that $\{e_n\}_1^N$ is orthonormal countable basis of $X$ ?

I guess that if $\{e_n\}$ is basis of $X$, then, $\{e_n\}$ is basis of $\overline X$. But I don't know how to prove it.

Definition of basis in Hilbert space : $X$ is a inner space, $\{x_\alpha: \alpha\in \Lambda\}$ is basis of $X$, if $\forall x\in X$, $x$ can be presented as
x=\sum\limits_{\alpha\in\Lambda} (x,e_\alpha)x_\alpha

Best Answer

An orthonormal set in a subspace is also orthonomal in the whole space. For showing that p$$ x=\sum\limits_{\alpha\in\Lambda} (x,e_\alpha)x_\alpha $$ it is enough to show that $\langle x-\sum\limits_{\alpha\in\Lambda} (x,e_\alpha)x_\alpha, y\rangle=0$ for all $y \in X$. By continuity of inner product it is enough to prove this when $y \in span \{x_n\}$ which you already know.

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