Proof of local isometry, Riemannian manifolds. Is the proof correct


There is one exercise I proved involving that a smooth map $\varphi$ from $M$ to $\widetilde{M}$ is a local isometry if and only if (pullback) $(\varphi^* \tilde{g})=g.$

So I am wondering if the proof is correct? Below is both the exercise and my proof:


  • Prove that if $(M,g)$ and $(\widetilde{M}, \tilde{g})$ are Riemannian manifolds with $\dim M = \dim \widetilde{M}$, then a smooth map $\varphi : M \to \widetilde{M}$ is a local isometry if and only if $\varphi^* \tilde{g} = g$.

My proof:
Recall that an isometry from $(M,g)$ to $(\widetilde{M}, \tilde{g})$ is given by a diffeomorphism $\varphi : M \to \widetilde{M}$ with the pullback $\varphi^* \tilde{g} = g$, i.e.
\forall v, w \in T_pM, \forall p \in M : \, g_p(v,w) = \tilde{g}_{\varphi(p)}(d\varphi_p(v), d\varphi_p(w)).

Now, let $(M,g)$ and $(\widetilde{M}, \tilde{g})$ be Riemannian manifolds with the same dimension, and define a smooth map as
C^\infty(M)\ni \varphi : M \to \widetilde{M}.

($\implies$) Assume $\varphi$ is a local isometry. The pullback $\varphi^* \tilde{g} = g$ is then
\left(\varphi^* \tilde{g}\right)_p(v,w) = \tilde{g}_{\varphi(p)}(d\varphi_p(v), d\varphi_p(w)),

since there exists an isometry between $T_pM$ and $T_{\varphi(p)} \widetilde{M}$, then we get
\left(\varphi^* \tilde{g}\right)_p(v,w) = \tilde{g}_{\varphi(p)}(d\varphi_p(v), d\varphi_p(w)) = g_p(v,w).

Hence it follows that $\varphi^*\tilde{g} = g$.

($\impliedby$) Suppose $\varphi^*\tilde{g} = g$. Then for all $p \in M$ and arbitrary chosen tangent vectors $v,w \in T_pM$ we have from before
\left(\varphi^* \tilde{g}\right)_p(v,w) = \tilde{g}_{\varphi(p)}(d\varphi_p(v), d\varphi_p(w)) = g_p(v,w).

Since the differential $d\varphi_p : T_pM \to T_{\varphi(p)}\widetilde{M}$ preserves the inner product and it is a linear isometry, therefore $\varphi$ is a local isometry and $\varphi^*\tilde{g} = g$.

Best Answer

The first statement is a tautology, given a local isometry $\phi$, we must have that $\phi^*\tilde{g}=g$. Now let $\phi$ be a smooth map, we need to show that given $\phi^*\tilde{g}=g$, $\phi$ is a local diffeomorphism.

By the inverse function theorem, it suffices to check that $D_p\phi$ is an isomorphism for all $p\in M$, and since dimensions are equal it suffices to check that $D_p\phi$ is injective. We proceed by contradiction, suppose that $D_p\phi$ is not injective, and let $v\in \ker D_p\phi$. Then for all $w\in T_pM$: $$g_p(v,w)=(\phi^*\tilde{g})_p(v,w)=g_{\phi(p)}(D_p\phi v,D_p\phi w)=0$$ It follows that $g_p$ is degenerate, a contradiction. So $D_p\phi$ is injective at all $p\in M$, and $\phi$ is a local diffeomorphism.