Proof of failure of unique factorization of 4K+1

prime factorizationprime numbers

For the prime number in 4K+1, number 9, 21, and 49 are in the set of prime number.
But it’s uniqueness of factorization fail because 9*49=21*21.
What is the mathematic reason prove that 4K+1 fail the unique of factorization?

Best Answer

The numbers of the form $4k+1$ are missing some primes. Hilbert introduced this example to show why the theory of ideals was needed in higher algebra. T

At the heart of it, we're missing the $\gcd(9,21)$ and the $\gcd(49,21).$ In the ordinary integers, we aren't missing these numbers, but in Hilbert's system, they're not there and this is what causes the non-uniqueness of factorization. We can group the missing numbers in two different ways.

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