Proof: not a perfect square

discrete mathematicssquare-numbers

Let $y$ be an integer.
Prove that

$$(2y-1)^2 -4$$

is not a perfect square.

I Found this question in a discrete math book and tried solving it by dividing the question into two parts:

$$y = 2k , y = 2k + 1$$

But that got me nowhere.

Best Answer

For the sake of contradiction write $(2y-1)^2-4=n^2$ where $n$ is an integer. Equivalently $$4=(2y-1-n)(2y-1+n).$$ Difference between the two factors is $2n$, i.e. even. Only ways to factor $4$ with factors that differ by even number are $(-2)\cdot(-2)$ and $2 \cdot 2$, both cases are impossible as they imply $n=0$ and $(2y-1)^2=4$.

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