Proof $\forall n\in\mathbb{N}$, that $9|10^n-1$ by mathematical induction


I think I proved this but I am not to confident in my proof. I am also not that good at formating my proofs so any feedback would be appreciated 🙂

Let $P(n)=9|10^n-1$

Base Case:
So we have proven the base case.

Induction Step:
Every term in the above has a common factor of 9 hence the left divides the right. We have thus shown that $P(n)\implies P(n+1)$ with a base case. Therefore by the principle of induction $P(n)$ holds $\forall n\in\mathbb{N}$.

The second line of the induction step was flawed as it didn't really prove anything. The fixed version goes as follows:
We can see that this $10^{n+1}-1=90k+9$ is divisible by 9. We have thus shown that $P(n)\implies P(n+1)$ with a base case. Therefore, by the principle of induction, $P(n)$ holds $\forall n\in\mathbb{N}$.

Best Answer

I think you're almost all the way there-- the main feedback I'd give is around your final statement:


Above you're assuming what you want to prove. Try working backwards starting with what you know to get to what you want to prove. Here, try the following to get started:

$$10^n = 9k + 1 \implies 10^{n+1} = (9k + 1) \cdot 10 \implies 10^{n+1} - 1 = ... $$

N.B. Also be sure to declare what $k$ is when you use it.

I hope this helps!