Proof / disproof of context-free language


Given the following language:
L = \{b^n \mid \text{$n$ is prime} \}\cup \{b^n \mid \text{$n$ is even}\}

Need to proof or disproof whether this language is context-free or not.

I know that only prime numbers is not context-free, but not sure what happens with the following union..any ideas?

Best Answer

We know that if $L_1$ is context-free and $L_2$ is regular, then : $L_1 \cap L_2$ is context-free.

It's easy to see that $\{b^n \mid \text{n is odd}\}$ is regular. ({b}.{bb}*)

Let's assume that $L$ is context-free.

Then $$L \cap \{b^n \mid \text{n is odd}\} = \{b^n \mid n \neq 2 \land\text{n is prime}\}$$ It is easy to show that the resulting language is not context-free (it's the same as without the $n\neq2$.)

There is the contradiction. The resulting language is not context-free. Then $L$ is not context-free.

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