Proof by induction using functions

discrete mathematicsfunctionsinduction

Prop: If the set $A$ is infinite then there exists an injective function $z:N→A$. $z$ is defined inductively, for the base case, explain how it is plausible to define$ z(1)$. Now suppose that $z(1),z(2),…,z(n)$ where no two values are equal. Prove that it is possible to define $z(n+1)$ where its value is not equal to any previous value.

I now understand that this has a never-ending injective function that can be created, however, I do not understand how to actually write out the proof. I have written induction proofs before but not seeing an equation or sigma notation to follow I feel quite lost setting up a base case or inductive step showing $z(n + 1)$.

A written proof with explanation would be much appreciated!

Link to similar question: Proofs involving functions and induction

Best Answer

The heart of the argument goes something like this.

Suppose that for some particular $n$ you have found $B = \{z_1, \ldots. z_n\} \subset A$ in $A$, where the $z_i$ are all different. That's an assertion about the number $n$. You want to show the same assertion is true for $n+1$. Well, by hypothesis $A$ is infinite. Since $B$ is finite, it can't be all of $A$, so you can find some element $a \in A$ that's not one of the $z_i$. Then define $z_{n+1} = a$.

What about the base case, to get the induction started? Well, since $A$ is infinite it's not empty, so you can choose some element $a \in A$ for the value $z_1$.

I think the reason you have trouble with this exercise is that so far what you've been taught about induction suggests to you that it's about equations. It's not, it's about statements about integers. Often but not always that statement asserts the truth of some equation involving an integer.

I recommend that you prove the inductive step first, and then the base case. That stresses the fact that what you are proving is that

If the statement $P(n)$ is true then the statement $P(n+1)$ is true, even though I don't at the moment know any particular value of $n$ for which $P(n)$ is true.


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