Proof by Induction on a recursive function

inductionproof-explanationrecursionrecursive algorithms

its been a while since I have done proofs and am struggling on a question:

Let $T(n)$ be defined recursively as follows: $T(1)=c$ and $T(n)=3T(n/3)+c, \forall n\geqslant 3$, where $c$ is some arbitrary positive constant and $n=3^k$ for some non-negative integer $k$. Prove by induction on $k$ that $T(n)=(3c)/(2) n – c/2$.

So far I have been able to break it down to the following:

  • Base Case = $T(1) = c$
  • Recursive Case = $T(n)=3T(n/3)+c$
  • Since $n=3^k$ this makes the recursive case: $T(3^k) = 3T(3^{k-1})+c$

Beyond that I am struggling at where to start. I know I need to prove it for the lowest possible value i.i. $k=1$, which I think gives me:


$= 3T(1)+c = 4c$

I don't think this is right though and don't really know why.

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

You are virtually there. The induction is really an induction on $k$ starting at $0$, to prove $T(n) = (3c/2)\cdot n - c/2$ where $n = 3^k$: For the base case:

$$T(3^0) = T(1) = c = (3c/2)\cdot 3^0 - c/2$$

For the inductive step, the inductive hypothesis is:

$$T(3^k) = (3c/2)\cdot 3^k - c/2$$

and using this and the recursive definition, you get:

$$T(3^{k+1}) = 3T(3^k) + c = 3\left[(3c/2)\cdot 3^k - c/2\right] + c= (3c/2)\cdot 3^{k+1} - c/2$$

which completes the inductive proof

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