Projection of vector $v$ onto a plane with normal vector $n$.

linear algebraprojectionvector-spaces

$v$ is a vector. $n$ is normal vector for a (hyper)plane. What is the projection of $v$ onto that plane?

In three dimensions, let the projection be $x$. We have:

$$x\cdot n=0$$

$$(v-x)\cdot x=0$$

$$(v-x)\cdot n=|v-x|$$

These three equations might simply to:

$$v\cdot n=|v-x|$$
$$v\cdot x-x^2=0$$

I don't know how to proceed..

Seems like: $$x=v-(n\cdot v)n?$$

Best Answer


The projection of $v$ onto a line directed by $n$ is $$p_n(v)=\frac{v\cdot n}{n\cdot n}\, n.$$