Product of Prime Factors of Group Order $\leq n \cdot (\frac n 2)^{\log{\frac n 2}}$


The product $\pi(G)$ is the product of all different primes dividing $|G|$. Let $G$ be a primitive group of degree $n$. $G$ has odd order. $G_x$ denotes the pointstabiliser of a point $x \in \Omega$. We call the orbits of a
pointstabiliser in a transitive group suborbits.

Definition of $G^{\Delta}$: $Sym(\Omega)$ -the symmetric group on the set $\Omega$. , If $G < Sym(\Omega)$, and $\Delta$ is a subset of $\Omega$ fixed by $G$, then the image of the action of $G$ on $\Delta$ is called the permutation group induced on $\Delta$ by $G$, and written $G^{\Delta}$.

In an article (link given) following lemmas are given :

Lemma 1. Let $G$ be a primitive group of degree $n$ and $G_x$ a pointstabiliser. If a prime $p$ divides $|G_x|$ then $p$ divides $|G_x^{\Delta}|$ for all suborbits $\Delta$ of length at least $2$.

Recall that the exponent of a group is the smallest common multiple of the orders of its elements.

Lemma 2. Let $G$ be a transitive group of degree $n$. If $G$ has odd order then the exponent of $G$ is at most $n^{(\log n)^2}$.

Proof. We will actually prove the following claim:

Claim. The product $\pi(G)$ of all different primes dividing $|G|$ is at most $n^{\log n}$.

Since any element of $G$ of prime power order has order at most $n$, the claim implies our statement.

Assume first that $G$ is primitive. Since $G$ has odd order, $G$ cannot be doulby transitive. The smallest non-trivial suborbit $\Delta$ has size $\lt \frac{n}{2}$. Lemma 1 implies that $\pi(G_x)=\pi(G_x^{\Delta})$. It is clear that $\pi(G)$ divides $n\cdot \pi(G_x)$, hence by induction $\pi(G)\leq n\cdot \left(\frac{n}{2}\right)^{\log\frac{n}{2}}\leq n^{\log n}$.

Assume now that $G$ is imprimitive. Let $B_1$ be a minimal non-trivial block of imprimitivity (of size $b$) and $B_1,\ldots,B_k$ the corresponding system of blocks of imprimitivity. Then $G$ permutes these blocks transitively, let $K$ denote the kernel of this action. By induction $\pi(G/K)\leq k^{\log k}$.

We may assume that $K\neq 1$. Then the minimality of $B_1$ implies that $K$ acts transitively on each $B_i$, adn the corresponding transitive groups are permutation equivalent. Hence $\pi(K)=\pi(K^{B_1})\leq b^{\log b}$.

Using $kb=n$ we obtain that $\pi(G)\leq n^{\log n}$. This complets the proof. $\Box$

I am trying to understand following 2 lines of lemma 2 :

It is clear that $\pi(G)$ divides $n · \pi(G_x)$,


hence by induction $\pi(G) \leq n \cdot (\frac n 2)^{\log{\frac n 2}} \leq n^{\log n}$.

How those the last line $\pi(G) \leq n \cdot (\frac n 2)^{\log{\frac n 2}} \leq n^{\log n}$ was obtained by induction?

Best Answer

Since $G$ is transitive, $|G|=n\cdot |G_x|$ by the orbit-stabilizer theorem. If $p\mid |G|$ then either $p\mid n$ or $p\mid |G_x|$. Thus $$\pi(G)\leq \pi(n)\cdot \pi(G_x)\leq n\cdot \pi(G_x).$$

That's the first point. For the second, we already have $\pi(G)\leq n\cdot \pi(G_x)$. We also have that $\pi(G_x)\leq (n/2)^{\log(n/2)}$. We are trying to show by induction the following statement:

For any group $G$ of odd order and degree $n$, $\pi(G)\leq n^{\log n}$.

Thus we can substitute in: $$ \pi(G)\leq n\cdot \pi(G_x)\leq n\cdot (n/2)^{\log(n/2)}.$$ So the question is whether the final term is at most $n^{\log n}$. This isn't really a question about group theory, but it's not hard to see.