Product of Lebesgue measures $\Bbb R^m$ and $\Bbb R^n$ strictly larger than Borel sets in $\Bbb R^{m+n}$


I know the completion of the product of Lebesgue measures of $\Bbb R^m$ and $\Bbb R^n$ (on Lebesgue measurable $\sigma$-algebras) equals to the Lebesgue measure in $\Bbb R^{m+n}$. However, if we do not make a completion, is the product $\sigma$– algebra of Lebesgue $\sigma$-algebras of $\Bbb R^m$ and $\Bbb R^n$ strictly larger than the Borel $\sigma$-algebra in $\Bbb R^{m+n}$?

Best Answer

If $A$ is a Lebesgue measurable set in $\mathbb R^{m}$ which is not a Borel set then $A \times \mathbb R^{n}$ belongs to the product of the Lebesgue $\sigma$ algebras but it is not a Borel set in $\mathbb R^{m+n}$.