Product in the category of functors.


Let $A$ be a category and $C= Fun(A, Set)$ (i.e. the objects are functors and morphisms are natural transformations between them). I want to know if this category has a product. For given $X \in A$ and functors $F_i \in C$, is $\Pi_{i \in \Lambda}F_i(X)$ the correct product? If yes, what would be the projection maps onto the $F_i$'s? I'm having a hard time constructing the required unique natural transformation. Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Yes, the product of $F_i\in\text{Obj}(\text{Fun}(A,\mathbf{Set}))$, $i\in\Lambda$, is the functor $\prod_{i\in\Lambda}F_i$, such that $(\prod_{i\in\Lambda}F_i)(X)=\prod_{i\in\Lambda}(F_i(X))$ for every $X\in\text{Obj}(A)$ and $(\prod_{i\in\Lambda}F_i)(f)=\prod_{i\in\Lambda}(F_i(f))$ for every $f\in\text{Mor}(A)$. Projections are natural transformations $P_j\colon(\prod_{i\in\Lambda}F_i)\to F_j$, $j\in\Lambda$, such that $P_j(X)=p_j\colon(\prod_{i\in\Lambda}(F_i(X)))\to F_j(X)$, $X\in \text{Obj}(A)$, $j\in\Lambda$, where $p_j$ is a projection of an "ordinary" product in $\mathbf{Set}$. These transformations are natural by the universal properties of products (note, that $p_j\circ(\prod_{i\in\Lambda}(F_i(f)))=F_j(f)\circ p_j$, and the morphism $\prod_{i\in\Lambda}(F_i(f))$ is unique with such property). Such products are called pointwise by the obvious reason.

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