Process of identifying quotients of polynomial rings


I'm taking an abstract algebra class and we are introducing quotient rings specifically polynomial quotient rings and I'm trying to work out some example problems, but I cannot figure out a general way to approach problems where we're asked to identify something like $\Bbb Z[x]/I$.

The example I have is that we can identify $\Bbb Z[i]/(i-2)$ to $\Bbb F_5$ first by killing $g=x-2$ and then killing $f=x^2+1$.

So with this approach if I have for example $$\Bbb Z[x]/ (6, 2x-1)$$ then if I first kill $2x-1$ and then $6$ I should be able to arrive to some isomorphic ring to this?

Killing $2x-1$ is apparrently done by defining a map $\Bbb Z[x] \to \Bbb Z[1/2]$ where $x \mapsto 1/2$ and since the kernel of this map is generated by $(2x-1)$ I'll get an isomorphism $$\Bbb Z[x]/(2x-1) \cong \Bbb Z[1/2].$$

Now following this I should kill $6$ in $\Bbb Z[1/2]$ to get some kind of isomorphism from $\Bbb Z[1/2]$ to some other ring and I suppose then I can conclude that $\Bbb Z[x]/ (6, 2x-1)$ is isomorphic to the obtained ring?

How do I go about killing $6$ in $\Bbb Z[1/2]$? I don't think I understand how to construct something like this and what should the target ring even be in this case?

Best Answer

Solution 1. As you were told, $\mathbb Z[x]/(6,2x−1)\simeq\mathbb Z_6[x]/(2x-1)$. But $$\mathbb Z_6[x]/(2x-1)\simeq \mathbb Z_2[x]/(2x-1)\times\mathbb Z_3[x]/(2x-1)\simeq\mathbb Z_3.$$

Solution 2. You can use the rings of fractions: $$\mathbb Z_6[x]/(2x-1)\simeq S^{-1}\mathbb Z_6,$$ where $S=\{\bar 1,\bar 2,\bar 4\}$, and then notice that $S^{-1}\mathbb Z_6\simeq\mathbb Z_3$.

Solution 3. As you noticed, $$\mathbb Z[x]/(2x-1)\simeq\mathbb Z[\frac12].$$ Then $$\mathbb Z[x]/(6,2x-1)\simeq\mathbb Z[\frac12]/6\mathbb Z[\frac12].$$ But $6\mathbb Z[\frac12]=3\mathbb Z[\frac12]$, and you arrived at $\mathbb Z[\frac12]/3\mathbb Z[\frac12]$. This is isomorphic to $S^{-1}\mathbb Z_3$, where $S=\{\bar 1,\bar 2\}$. Since $\bar 2$ is invertible in $\mathbb Z_3$, you actually got $\mathbb Z_3$.