Problem with right angle triangle, circumscribed circle, tangent and the half of its height

circleseuclidean-geometrygeometric transformationgeometryhomothety

(An interesting problem inspired by this one but still different. And, no, I'm not looking for your help to solve a detail here in order to provide a full solution elsewhere. I'll stop here).

A right-angled triangle ABM is given ($\angle M = 90^\circ)$. A tangent $t$ is drawn at point $M$ to the circumscribed circle with center $O$. Perpendicular bisector $OE$ of side $AM$ meets tangent $t$ at point $D$. Prove that line $DB$ cuts triangle height $MH$ in half ($CM=CH$)

enter image description here

Ok, one way to solve this is to use analytical geometry. It's doable but tedious. More ellegant way is to solve the problem by using complex geometry and I will demonstrate that solution here:

We'll take circumscribed circle to be unit circle. Let's assign the following complex numbers to various points: $z_M=z,z_0=0,z_A=-1,z_B=1$. It's a well know formula that:


Also notice that:


$$Im(C)=\frac12 Im(M)=\frac12\frac1{2i}(z-\bar{z})$$

$$z_C=Re(C)+i\cdot Im(C)=\frac{z+\bar{z}}{2}+\frac14(z-\bar{z})=\frac 14(3z+\bar z)$$

The last thing we have to prove is that points $D,C,B$ are colinear which is true if:


…for some real $k$. In other words:

$$\frac{-2z}{z-1}-1=k(\frac 14(3z+\bar z)-1)\iff$$

$$\frac{-2z-(z-1)}{z-1}=\frac{k}{4}(3z+\bar z-4)\iff$$

$$\frac{-3z+1}{z-1}\frac{\bar z-1}{\bar z-1}=\frac{k}{4}(3z+\bar z-4)\iff$$

$$\frac{-3z+1}{z-1}\frac{\bar z-1}{\bar z-1}=\frac{k}{4}(3z+\bar z-4)\iff$$

$$\frac{3z+\bar z-4}{l}=\frac{k}{4}(3z+\bar z-4)\iff$$

$$k=\frac4l, \quad l=(z-1)(\bar z – 1)\in R$$

Question: I think we can prove this with Euclid too, without complex or any other numbers. Can someone come up with one such solution?

Best Answer

extend $BM$ until it meets the line $AD$ at $X$ since $\angle AMX=90$
$AD$ is $\frac{AX} {2}$ by homothety $CH$ is $\frac{MH} {2}$