Problem with functor category notation


I'm reading Mac Lane's category theory book. The notation $A^B$, $A$ and $B$ categories, is introduced for a category of functors $B\to A$ as objects and natural transformations of these functors as arrows. The author has used it in several different situations that I, with weak background in mathematics, don't understand clearly. I list a few of them below,

  1. $C^X$ for $C$ category and $X$ set,
  2. $\prod_j b=b^J$ for $b$ an object and $J$ an index category,
  3. $c^{b\times b'}\cong (c^b)^{b'}$ for $c$, $b$ and $b'$ objects,
  4. $G^X$ for $G$ group and $X$ category,
  5. $X^T$ for $X$ category and $T$ functor,
  6. $F^T$ for $F$ and $T$ both functors,
  7. $\eta ^T$ for $\eta$ natural transformation and $T$ functor.

(1), (2) and (3) are OK since $X$ of (1), $b$ of (2), and $c$, $b$ and $b'$ of (3) are discrete categories. Now, let me list my questions as well.

  • How is the interpretation of $b^J$ in (2) or the terms in (3) related to the simple notation $x^y$ in arithmetic? and more importantly,
  • What's the meaning of the terms in (4) to (7)? More specifically, if they are representations of functor categories, what are their objects and arrows?

I know it's a long question. I already appreciate your answers.

Best Answer

There's one fundamental example you should add to your list: functions from sets to sets.

The number of functions from a finite set $A$ to another finite set $B$ is $|B|^{|A|}$, where $|A|$ and $|B|$ are the number of elements in the sets. This is the origin of the notation $B^A$ for the set of functions from $A$ to $B$. Most of your examples expand the analogy to another situation.

  • $C^X$ for $C$ category and $X$ set. Here $C^X$ is the set of functors from $X$ to $C$. Since $X$ is a set it can be treated as a category with its only morphisms the identities from each element to itself. Functors from such a discrete category reduce to functions from $X$ to the collection of objects of $C$.

  • $c^{b\times b'} \cong (c^b)^{b'}$ for $c$, $b$ and $b'$ objects. Here, we're using the notation as an internalization of the set of morphisms from $b$ to $c$. Rather than a set, we can sometimes have objects in the same category that act like the hom sets.

  • $G^X$ for $G$ group and $X$ category. This is similar to the first example. Here, $G$ is made into a category by giving it a single object and making the morphisms from that object to itself the elements of $G$. Composition is just the group operation.

  • $F^T$ for $F$ and $T$ both functors. Here we're using the usual category structure on the collection of functors between two fixed categories. The objects are functors and the morphisms are natural transformations. So $F^T$ is the set of natural transformations from $F$ to $T$.

One other example doesn't quite fit into the same vein, but is still closely analogous.

  • $\prod_j b=b^J$ for $b$ an object and $J$ an index category. At the very least, it should make sense that taking the product of a bunch of copies of an object is an exponential. In lots of concrete cases, it does still make sense to think of $b^J$ as the collection of functions from $J$ to $b$, but given the structure of an object of the category. For example, the set of functions from any set into a ring can be given a ring structure.

The last two examples, I'd need more context or I'm not familiar with the origin of the notation.

  • $X^T$ for $X$ category and $T$ functor. I believe this is the category of $T$-algebras. A $T$-algebra $A$ has (as part or all of the data, depending on whether we're talking about algebras of a monad or algebras of a plain functor), a morphism $T(A) \to A$. So there's some notion that there are "morphisms from $T$ to (particular objects of) $X$", but I'm not sure that that's why this notation is used here.

  • $\eta ^T$ for $\eta$ natural transformation and $T$ functor. I'm not familiar with this usage.

It may be worth noting that some of the notation in Categories for the Working Mathematician is outdated so you shouldn't use it as your sole source. Read other books and papers to see what notation other people use for these concepts.

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