Problem with defining $\int_0^\infty\delta(x)dx$ within distribution theory by considering nascent dirac deltas

dirac deltadistribution-theory

If we consider the Gaussian or the Lorentzian representation of $\delta$, then we obtain
\lim_{\epsilon\to 0}\int_0^\infty \delta_\epsilon(x)\dif x=1/2

but as far as I understand the problem is that the equation is not true for other nascent dirac deltas (i.e. sequences of functions such that the associated sequences of distributions converges to $\delta$). Can we find a nascent dirac delta such that 1) the limit does not exist and 2) the limit exists and does not equal $1/2$?

Best Answer

The sequence $f_n$ of piecewise-linear tent functions of height $n$ and base width $2/n$, but centered at $1/n$ rather than $0$, approximates $\delta$, but they all have integral $\int_0^\infty$ equal to $1$. Symmetrically, centering the tents at $-1/n$ have those integrals all $0$. If we interleave the two sequences, they approach $\delta$ distributionally but their integrals oscillate between $0$ and $1$, so have no limit.