Problem on Maximum Modulus Principle (Solution Verification)


Newman, Bak chapter 6, q12

Suppose $f$ and $g$ are both analytic in a compact domain D. show that $\lvert f(z) \rvert + \lvert g(z) \rvert$ takes its maximum on the boundary. [Hint: Consider $f(z) \exp
(i \alpha) + g(z) \exp(i \beta)$
for appropriate $\alpha$, $\beta$]

My solution:

$\forall z, \, \exists \alpha, \, \beta$ s.t. $\lvert f(z) \exp(i \alpha) + g(z) \exp(i \beta) \rvert = \lvert f(z) \rvert + \lvert g(z) \rvert$ … (1)

$\forall z, \, \alpha, \, \beta$, $\lvert f(z) \exp(i \alpha) + g(z) \exp(i \beta) \rvert \leq \lvert f(z) \rvert + \lvert g(z) \rvert$ … (2)

Consider $z_0 \in D$. From (1), $\exists \alpha_0 \, , \beta_0$ st $$ \begin{aligned} \lvert f(z_0) \rvert + \lvert g(z_0) \rvert &= \lvert f(z_0) \exp(i \alpha_0) + g(z_0) \exp(i \beta_0) \rvert \\ &\leq \lvert f(z_1) \exp(i \alpha_0) + g(z_1) \exp(i \beta_0) \rvert \, \text{by maximum modulus principle applied to}\, f(z) \exp(i \alpha_0) + g(z) \exp(i \beta_0), \text{for some}\, z_1 \in \, bdry(D) \\ &\leq \lvert f(z_1) \rvert + \lvert g(z_1) \rvert \, \text{from (2)}\end{aligned}$$

(Also, by continuity, maximum of $\lvert f\rvert + \lvert g\rvert$ is attained on D)

Please let me know. Thanks.

Best Answer

I'd personally argue like this:

Since $|f|+|g|$ is a continuous real valued function on a compact domain, we know that it must attain its maximum somewhere on $D$. We just need to show this "somewhere" is on the boundary of $D$. Suppose $|f|+|g|$ attained its maximum on the interior of $D$, at some $z_0$: fix $\alpha,\beta$, be such that $|f(z_0)|+|g(z_0)|=f(z_0)\exp(i\alpha)+g(z_0)\exp(i\beta)=:h(z_0)$. $h$ is holomorphic on $D$, and $|h|\le|f|+|g|$ always, so $h$ attains its maximum on the interior of $D$, at $z_0$ as well. Then by the maximum modulus principle is $h$ constant. Therefore, in either case, $|f|+|g|$ attains its maximum on the boundary of $D$ (and strictly only on the boundary if $h$ is non-constant).

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