Probability that two primes $p_1$ and $p_2$ divide a positive integer

prime numbersprobability

Find the probability that two primes $p_1$ and $p_2$ divide a positive integer $x$

Solution given in my reference is $\dfrac{1}{p_1p_2}$. But I don't seem to find any logical clue to obtain the required probablity from the given question.

Is it the right soltuion in my reference ?

Or is the given question incomplete ?

Attempt in My Reference

Since $p_1$ is prime in a given set of $p_1$ consecutive $+$ve integers, $p_1$ will divide exactly $1$.
\text{P($x$ is divisible by )}p_1=\frac{1}{p_1}

Similarly for $p_2$.
\text{Req. Probability} =\frac{1}{p_1p_2}

Best Answer

Edit: Usually, these sorts of probabilities are always defined in terms of natural density. So when I say below that "the probability that $x$ is divisible by $p$ is $1/p$", this means that, if we pick a random $x$ in $\{1,\dots,N\}$, and ask about the probability that $x$ is divisible by $p$, and then let $N\to\infty$, we arrive at the intuitive fact that the probability is $1/p$.

Multiples of $p$ occur every $p$ integers, so the probability that $p$ divides $x$ is $1/p$. For distinct primes, the events are independent, so you have probability $$\frac1{p_1}\cdot\frac1{p_2}=\frac1{p_1p_2}.$$

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