Probability That No One Has A Specific Birthday and At Least One Person Does


The question is as follows:

What is the probability that $1017$ persons in a certain building will say that they were not born on July $15$? What is the probability that someone (meaning at least one person) will say July $15$?

My approach…

The probability that one person does not have their birthday fall on July $15$ is $\frac{364}{365}$, assuming that the year is not a leap year. For all 1017 persons, I thought of raising $\frac{364}{365}$ to the $1017$th power: $(\frac{364}{365})^{1017}$.

The second portion of the question made me think that if there is someone who has a birthday on July $15$, then the remaining 1016 will have the probability of $\frac{364}{365}$ and the one person will have the probability of $\frac{1}{365}$. However, I am unsure because the equation $(\frac{364}{365})^{1016}(\frac{1}{365})$ will represent the probability for exactly one person to have their birthday on that date, not at least one person.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Your solution to the first part is correct. As for the second part just note that "at least one person was born that day" is the complement of "none of them were born on that day". So the answer is just $1-(\frac{364}{365})^{1017}$.