Probability that neither of two selected members from a group is a lawyer


Of the $700$ members of an organization, $120$ are lawyers. Two members will be selected at random. What is the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer?

I know the answer is $(580\cdot 579)/(700\cdot 699)$

My work:

Let the event that the first person selected is a lawyer be A. Let the event that the second person selected is a lawyer be B. Assume independence holds.

My approach to solving the problem is the probability that neither of the members selected will be a lawyer is 1-P(both members selected will be a lawyer)= $P(\neg A \cap \neg B)=1-P(A \cup B)=1-(P(A)+P(B))$ where $P(A \cap B)=0$. I think the answer is
$1-(\frac{120}{700})(\frac{119}{699})$ My solution isn't correct. Why? I assume sampling without replacement.

Best Answer

The complement event of both are not lawyers is not both are lawyers. The complement is at least one is lawyer.

Also, there is no reason to believe that $P(A \cap B)=0$ are disjoint.