Probability that 2 numbers selected have same msb.



Consider a $4$ bit binary representation of decimal number ranging $1$ to $13$.
What is the probability that 2 numbers selected have same msb?

My Approach

Converting the decimal number to $4$ bit representation from $1$ to $13$,we have

If we select number whose msb is $0$,we have $6$ options and if we select number
whose msb is $1$,we have $5$ options

so reqd probability$=\frac{6 \times 5}{\binom{13}{2}}=\frac{5}{13}$

Is it correct?
Please help

Best Answer

There are $\binom72$ ways to choose $0$ as the most significant bit for a pair and $\binom62$ ways to choose $1$ as the most significant bit for a pair.

Hence it should be $$\frac{\binom72 + \binom62}{\binom{13}2}$$

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