Probability of rolling a pair of dice


Suppose we have two fair dice and rolled them.


  • $A$ be the event "the sum of the two dice is equal to $3$";
  • $B$ be the event "the sum of the two dice is equal to $7$";
  • $C$ be the event "at least one dice shows $1$".

How to calculate $P(A \mid C)$?

In this case can we say that $A$ and $C$ are independent? Can we say that $B$ and $C$ are independent?

Best Answer

$P(C)$ is actually $\frac{11}{36}$$11$ of the $36$ possible rolls show at least one 1 (don't forget to consider the double-1 case!). $P(A\cap C)=\frac2{36}$ since only 1-2 and 2-1 have at least one 1 and sum to $3$. Thus $$P(A|C)=\frac{P(A\cap C)}{P(C)}=\frac{2/36}{11/36}=\frac2{11}$$