Probability of reaching a point in a simple random walk on $\mathbb Z ^2$

random walk

In a simple random walk on $\mathbb Z ^2$, starting in the origin, I'm trying to find out the probability of visiting the point (1,0) before the walk returns to the origin. Means, if $O$ is the origin point, and $p$ is the point (1,0), The question is what is the probability of $\mathbb P _O(\tau_p<\tau_O^+)$, when $\tau$ is the stopping time of a point, and $\tau^+$ is the stopping time for $t>0$. I tried to apply mirroring strategies simply by counting symmetric paths etc., but it doesn't work. I also tried to project the walk on each axis and analyze it separately (playing separately with the axes made me guess that the answer should be 0.5, but I still can't see how to prove it rigorously, and I'm not sure it's indeed the right answer).

Best Answer

The generating function for the number of RW's that return to the origin after $N$ steps is given by $a0 = 1+4z^2+36z^4+... ={}_2F_1(1/2,1/2;1;(4z)^2)$, see A002894. The generating function of RW's that are at point (1,0) after $N$ steps is $a1=z+9z^3+100z^5+\cdots = z {}_3F_2(1,3/2,3/2;2,2;(4z)^2)$, see A060150. Plug these two into the expression $\frac{1}{2(a0-a1)}-\frac{1}{2(a0+a1)}$ by Rubin and Weiss. Insert $z=1/4$ into the generating functions to obtain probabilities, which means divide the number of walks by $4^N$ to weigh them with the $1/4$ probability of the 2D square lattice. Then $a0+a1\to \infty$, and with a little bit of Gamma-function manipulation one sees that $a0-a1\to 1$ as $z\to 1/4$. This is the conjectured result, i.e., probability of $1/2$. The full analysis is in A337869.