Probability of number of balls in a bin


Suppose we throw 180 balls into 10 bins, choosing a random a bin independently from previous throws. What's the probability that some bin has k balls or more?

Best Answer

When you say "uniform distribution," I think you mean instead a Poisson distribution. Here the expected number of balls in each bucket is $180/10 = 18$. Here is the distribution of balls in any given bucket:

enter image description here

The probability that a given (single) bucket has more than $k$ such balls is:

$$\frac{\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1)-\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1,18)}{\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1)}$$

which has a form:

enter image description here

So the chance that a single bucket does not have more than $k$ balls is:

$$q = 1 - \frac{\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1)-\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1,18)}{\Gamma (\lfloor k\rfloor +1)}$$,

and the chance that none of the 10 buckets has more than $k$ is $q^{10}$, so the chance that at least one of the buckets has more than $k$ is $1 - q^{10}$.

Note that this is under the assumption that on average 180 balls are thrown, not precisely the stated assumptions. For example, if 180 are thrown, then it is certain that at least one bucket will have 18 or more balls.

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