Probability of No One Born on Day $j$


Consider $n$ people in a room.
On an arbitrarily chosen day $j$, what is the probability no one was born?

$\textbf{My Question}$: Is my thought process correct?

Assuming the probability of any individual born on any given day is independent, consider two individuals, James and Sarah.

$P$(No one was born on day $j$)=$P$("James not born on day $j$")$P$("Sarah not born on day $j$").

On day $j$, the probability of a person being born is $\frac{1}{365}$.

Thus, $P$(No one was born on day $j$)=$(1-\frac{1}{365})$$(1-\frac{1}{365})$=$(\frac{364}{365})^2$.

For $n$, $P$(No one was born on day $j$)=$(\frac{364}{365})^n$.

Blitzstein, J. K., & Hwang, J. (2014). $\textit{Introduction to probability.}$

Best Answer

Absolutely correct.

A more advanced question would be "What's the minimum number of people in the room for the probability of two of them having the same birthday to be larger than 50%?". You will find an interesting answer. Have fun!