Probability of having exactly one empty container


What's the probability that if we distribute N letters

among N drawers and presume that every single

configuration is equally likely (saturation is at

least 0 and at most N) then a single drawer

will be found empty?


My progress so far:

Total number of cases: $N^{N}$

It's the implication of the saturation condition.


The number of favorable configurations:

$2 \cdot \binom{N}{2}\cdot (N – 2)!$


I can choose $2$ drawers out of $N$ drawers in $\binom{N}{2}$ ways.

These two drawers serve as the empty one and the one containing two letters.

The factor $2$ is to consider the relative location of the two drawers.

$(N – 2)!$ is to take the permutation of the remaining drawers into account.


I feel like something is mistaken.

Question: What's the route of correctness?

Best Answer

Your $N^N$ looks reasonable for the total number of equally likely arrangements.

One approach to the second part is to say that we choose $2$ of the $N$ items ${N\choose 2}$ ways and a drawer to put them in $N$ ways and another drawer to be empty $N-1$ ways and then organise the remaining $N-2$ drawers and $N-2$ items $(N-2)!$ ways, giving $${N\choose 2}N(N-1)\,(N-2)! = \frac{N(N-1)}2N!$$ possibilities, which we then divide by $N^N$ to get a probability.

  • For $N=2$ this gives $\frac12$
  • For $N=3$ this gives $\frac23$
  • For $N=4$ this gives $\frac9{16}$
  • For $N=5$ this gives $\frac{48}{125}$

which seems plausible

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