Probability of getting three cards with consecutive value marked on them and they are of different suits


Need to find the probability when three cards are chosen from a deck of 52 cards, the three cards have consecutive values marked on them and they are from different suit (Ace – 1, Jack – 11, Queen – 12 and king – 13)

My approach is:

Lets say that the set of numbers we got is 1,2,3 –

probability of choosing 1 is 4/52

probability of choosing 2 is 3/51 (ignoring the card with value 2 from the 1st suit from which 1 was picked)

probability of choosing 3 is 2/51 (ignoring the card with value 3 from the first two suits from where card with value 1 & 2 were picked)

there are total 11 such cases -> (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5),…(11,12,13)

IMO the probability should be: 11*(4/52)(3/51)(2/50)

Best Answer

The problem is much more complicated than that.

For one thing, if the $3$ card hand turns out to be $(1)$, $(2)$, $(3)$, these $3$ cards can be selected in any order.

For another, if the first card selected is (for example) a $(3)$, there are $3$ different sequences possible. Namely, $[(1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5)].$

Further, the Ace may count high or low.

So, although $[1,2,13=king]$ does not count, $[1,12=queen,13=king]$ does count.

So, the approach that I prefer is


where $~\displaystyle D = \binom{52}{3}$.

So, the problem has been reduced to computing $N$.

For any given sequence of $[n,n+1,n+2]$ there are $4$ choices for the suit of $(n)$, and then $3$ choices for the suit of $(n+1)$ and then $(2)$ choices for the suit of $(n+2)$.

Then, $(4 \times 3 \times 2) = 24$ suit choices.

Forther, the low card can range anywhere from $(1=Ace)$ through $(12=Queen)$, so you have $12$ choices for the ranks involved.

Therefore, $N = 12 \times 24 = 288.$

Final computation:

$$\frac{N}{D} = \frac{288}{\binom{52}{3}}.$$

If $(1=Ace)$ is not permitted to count high, then you have to deduct $24$ from $N$. So the computation would be

$$\frac{N}{D} = \frac{264}{\binom{52}{3}}.$$

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Responding to the comment question of the OP (i.e. original poster).

ok, can you please mention the condition which I may have extraneously added or I have missed in my approach?

Assuming that $(1=Ace)$ only counts low, your approach has $2$ major flaws.

The 1st flaw is that if the first card involved is a $(2)$, then you have the possibility of $2$ different sequences. Either $[1,2,3]$ or $[2,3,4].$ Similarly, if a $3$ is involved, then there are potentially $3$ different sequences: $[(1),(2),(3)],[(2),(3),(4)]$ or $[(3),(4),(5)].$

It is true that this flaw may be bypassed by considering the events of (for example) $[(1),(2),(3)]$ and $[(2),(3),(4)]$ as disjoint events. So, assuming that Ace only counts low, you have $(11)$ disjoint events to deal with. So, you ask yourself, what is the probability of each of these events.

The event of $[(1),(2),(3)]$ of $3$ different suits should be computed as follows:

$$\frac{12}{52} \times \frac{6}{51} \times \frac{2}{50}. \tag1 $$

In (1) above, there are $(12)$ different cards that may be chosen first. Then, the 2nd card chosen must be one of the $8$ cards of a different rank. Of these $8$ cards, you have to eliminate the $2$ cards of matching suits.

So, you end with a computation of

$$\frac{11 \times 12 \times 6 \times 2}{52 \times 51 \times 50}$$

This agrees with the computation that I gave of


However, your approach was complicated, and left more room for error.

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