Probability of death of one of three children with given mortality


Background: In the United States, in 1920, the mortality rate for children under age of $5$ per $1,000$ births was $180$. (United States all time child mortality rate).

  1. What is the probability of death of (at least) one of three children with given mortality?

  2. What is the probability of death of all three children with given mortality?

With this probability, the chance that one out of three children will die is $45$%*, and that all three will die is $0.6$%**.

So I calculate it as independent events:

ad. *
This one is $1 – P(A′)^3$ ;where $P(A′) = 1 − P(A)$ (opposite event)

$$P_1 = 1 – P(A′)^3 = 1-(1-0.18)^3 = 0.4486$$

ad. **
$$P_3 = P(A)^3 = (0.18)^3 = 0.0058$$

Am I right with that?

How would it change if I wanted to calculate probability for exactly one child (or two for that matter)?

Best Answer

Your solution is correct.

For exactly one child, the event looks like

$$ (A\cap A'\cap A')\cup(A'\cap A\cap A')\cup(A'\cap A'\cap A) \Rightarrow $$

$$ \text{Pr}\left[(A\cap A'\cap A')\cup(A'\cap A\cap A')\cup(A'\cap A'\cap A)\right] = 3\cdot \text{Pr}(A)\cdot \left(\text{Pr}(A')\right)^2 = 3\cdot 0.18 \cdot \left(1-0.18\right)^2 $$

Adding another approach from my comment below.

The problem can be solved by using Binomial distribution: say you have an event $A$, and $\text{Pr}(𝐴)=p$, $\text{Pr}(A')=1−p$. You repeat an experiment $n$ times,and you are interested in the probability that $A$ occurs $m$ times out of $n$ repetitions of the experiment. Obviously, that $0\leq m \leq n$.


$$ \text{Pr}(m) = {n\choose m}p^m(1-p)^{n-m}. $$

In our case, $n = 3$, $p = 0.18 \Rightarrow $

$$ \text{Pr}(m=1) = {3 \choose 1}\cdot 0.18\cdot (1−0.18)^2 = 3\cdot 0.18\cdot (1−0.18)^2. $$

$$ \text{Pr}(m=2) = {3 \choose 2}\cdot 0.18\cdot (1−0.18)^2 = 3\cdot 0.18^2\cdot (1−0.18). $$

Probability that $A$ occurs at least 1 time is equal to

$$ \text{Pr}(m\geq 1) = 1 - \text{Pr}(m = 0) = 1 - {3 \choose 0}\cdot 0.18^0\cdot (1−0.18)^3 = 1 - (1-0.18)^3. $$

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