Probability of cards using law of total probability


Given two decks shuffled decks of 54 cards, split each in half (27 cards), then take one half of each deck and form a new deck of 54 cards. Then shuffle it and pick first two cards. Whats the probability of a match?

I already know how to solve this problem using conditional probability, which is indeed simpler.

However, I want to develop some intuition on how to solve this problem using law of total probability. I added below the solution to this problem using conditional probability, but I tried to also solve using law of total probability but was unable to came up with a full solution.

The real question here is: how to solve this using law of total probability?

My attempts so far use the following logic: the probability of a match depend on how many pairs of cards are formed. So I tried to calculate each probability of exact number of pairs for each k=1, 2, …, n/2 pairs, and then for each of those probabilities I multiply by the probability of picking a matching pair having k pairs in the deck. However the final probability does not seem to agree with my simulation.

The solution of this problem is easier if we use conditional probability as follows:

Start by observing that a match is only possible if the both come from different decks, as one deck has no repeated cards.

Define de event ${A: \text{both pick cards came from different decks}}$

Then find the probability of both cards coming from different decks. Notice that there is probability of 1/2 of taking the card from a specific half deck, since a card can come from each of the halves with equal probability.

Below $V_1$ means the first valued picked, and $V_2$ means second value picked.

$P(A) = P(V_1 \text{from deck 1})P(V_2 \text{from deck 2}) + P(V_2 \text{from deck 1})P(V_1 \text{from deck 2}) = 2 \frac{1}{4} = \frac{1}{2}$

Now $P(V_1 = V_2| A) = 1/54$, then,

$P(V_2 = V_2) = P(V_1 = V_2|A)P(A) = 1/108$

How can we go about solving this without conditional probability?


Edit: turns out this calculation using conditional probability is wrong, as the probability of cards coming from different decks is not 1/2. The probability of taking a card from, say, deck 1, changes when you pick a card from deck 2.

Correct probability is 1/106.

Best Answer

Here's how you can solve this using the total law of probability.

Let $E$ be the event of a match, and let $X$ denote the number of matches in your newly formed deck of $54$ cards.

For $n\in \{0,1,2,\dots ,27\}$ we have $$P(X=n)=\frac{{54 \choose n}{54 - n \choose 27 - n} {27 \choose 27-n} }{{54 \choose 27}^2}$$ $$P(E|X=n)=\frac{n}{{54 \choose 2}}$$ From the total law of probability, $$P(E)=\sum_{n=0}^{27}P(E|X=n)P(X=n)=\frac{1}{106}$$