Probability of both and at least one

conditional probabilityprobability

On conditional probability – let's say there's two events $A$ and $B$ with probabilities $\Pr(A)$ and $\Pr(B)$. Is the conditional probability

$$\Pr(A\cap B | A\cup B) = \frac{\Pr\big((A\cap B)\cap(A\cup B)\big)}{\Pr(A\cup B)} = \frac{\Pr(A\cap B)}{\Pr(A\cup B)}\text?$$

I.e., is the probability of both events happening "and" at least one event happening equivalent to the probability of both events happening?

Best Answer

$(A\cap B) \subset \begin{cases}A\\B \end{cases} \subset (A\cup B)$ so $(A\cap B)\subset (A\cup B)$.

And if $M \subset N$ then $M\cap N= M$. I.e. the interection of a subset with its superset is the subset as it is completely contained in it.

So $(A\cap B) \cap (A\cup B) = (A\cap B)$


And if $M = N$ the $P(M) = P(N)$ as they are the exact same thing.


So yes we can presume $P([A\cap B]\cap [A\cup B]) = P(A\cap B)$.


So if we do the following

$P(A\cap B|A\cup B) \underbrace{=}_{\text{conditional probability law}}$

$\frac {P\color{blue}{([A\cap B]\cap [A\cup B])}}{P(A\cup B)} \underbrace{=}_{\color{blue}{([A\cap B]\cap [A\cup B])} = \color{green}{A\cap B}}$

$\frac {P\color{green}{(A\cap B)}}{P(A\cup B)}$

that is valid conclusion.