Probability change in successive coin tosses

combinationsconditional probabilitypermutationsprobability

I'm reading high school probability, and this doubt arose while reading about successive coin tosses.

Suppose I'm tossing an unbiased coin, and recording the outcomes. Let's say that by pure chance, I get 'n' consecutive heads. I'm confused about the probability of the (n+1)th coin toss.

When I asked my teacher this, she said that the probability of any (unbiased) coin toss will always be 1/2, regardless of the previous outcomes, as each toss is an independent event. This does make sense to me, but there's a further question.

Since the statistics have to balance out, i.e. after a considerable number of tosses the head-tail ratio should reach close to 1/2, isn't the probability of getting a tail also increasing, with each successive head that we get?

If not, and the probability of each coin toss is indeed 1/2, then what's changing as we keep getting heads?

Best Answer

First things first, statistics doesn't have to balance out. It's not a force of nature, but a rigorous study of patterns.

Second, there are independent events and dependent events. Tossing a coin is independent of any past events. It's similar to picking up a ball each from $n$ different boxes with each box containing a black ball and a white ball. The probability of picking a white ball from $5th$ box is independent from the results from other boxes. It's always $1\over2$.

Now consider only one big box with $2n$ balls ($n$ white and $n$ black). You take a ball from the box and discard it outside. Now, the probability of getting white in $5th$ try would be dependent on previous outcomes.