Probability between two events following exponential distribution

exponential distributionprobabilityprobability distributions

Two independent events A and B follow exponential distribution with parameter L:
f(t)=Le^(-Lt) for t>=0. If X is the time where A occurs and Y the time where B occurs, calculate the probability P[X>=2*Y] meaning that A happens at least after double the time that B occurred.

How do I proceed?
I need to integrate f(t) in the area where x>=2*y. Does that mean that 0<=y<=x/2?

Best Answer

Assuming $X$ and $Y$ to be random variables, you need to integrate the joint distribution of $(X,Y)$ which is easy to compute as they are independent. Your integral limits are fine: $0\leq x<\infty, 0\leq y\leq x/2$. I think the final answer is $1/3$.

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