Principal submatrix of a unitary matrix is unitary


On what condition a principle submatrix of a unitary matrix would be unitary itself?

As an example, let's say $T$ is 3×3 and unitary. Principle submatrix $S_{2×2}$ is created by removing the first row and first column of $T$. Is $S_{2×2}$ unitary in all conditions?

I am coming from an engineering background; I was wondering if there is an easy way to prove this mathematically for an $N*N$ matrix.

Best Answer

It is almost never unitary except in the trivial case that the original unitary matrix is (up to permutation) a block matrix. An easy way to see this is that the rows and columns of a unitary matrix must be orthonormal, so in particular must have norm $1$ as vectors, so the rows and columns of a principal submatrix will typically have norm less than $1$ because you're omitting entries of the corresponding vectors. They'll only have norm $1$ if all the omitted entries are $0$.